2219 West Danby Road, West Danby NY 14883

What is Biblical Counseling?
At Journey of Hope Counseling Center we want all of our clients to know the power of God’s word and experience the impact it can have in their lives.
“We have this Hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.” Hebrew 6:19
In the midst of a therapeutic culture where counseling had become a professional discipline such as psychiatry, psychology, social work, marriage and family counseling, and psychotherapy, Jay Adams is credited with “re-discovering” Biblical Counseling. In his book Competent to Counsel, first published in 1970, Adams utilized the term “nouthetic” (transliterated from the Greek New Testament word that is most frequently translated “admonish”) to describe counseling that focuses on ministering Scripture by speaking the truth in love to those in need of counsel.
In the years since Competent to Counsel was published, many books, pamphlets, and other resources, as well as training centers and undergraduate and graduate degree programs for Biblical Counseling have been developed. This caused some confusion within the arena of Biblical Counseling.
In simple terms, Biblical Counseling is ministering Scripture to those who face struggles in life or who desire wisdom or God’s direction. Biblical Counseling is not a new concept. There are many examples throughout the pages of Scripture where God’s Word was used in instructive and corrective ways to both individuals and groups. There are also examples throughout the history of the church of the utilization of Scripture by pastors and others to provide encouragement and admonition to members of the local body of believers.
In its truest form, Biblical counseling is based on the conviction that the Bible is sufficient for the counseling task and superior to anything the world has to offer (2 Ti. 3:16-17, He. 4:12, 2 Pe. 1:3-4, Ps. 119, Jas. 4:4). Biblical counselors realize the significance of sin (Ro. 3:23, 6:23) and lovingly confront those whose lives are not in agreement with God’s truths (Lk. 17:3-4) and call them to repentance (2 Ti. 2:24-26). Biblical counselors also realize that in a fallen world people can face significant crises that are not a direct result of their own personal sin (Job 1-2). Biblical counselors purposefully and patiently walk with, serve, love, encourage and help people through their journey of healing.
At Journey of Hope Counseling Center we want you to know;